Children of the Snow Land

Since making the film, we have set up an NGO to support the children. Visit Snowland Journeys to find out more. 

You can help support the children and school in the film by donating or shopping or trekking.

CHILDREN OF THE SNOW LAND is an important documentary, which aims to shine a light on the remote communities of the Himalayas to help more Himalayan children to stay connected with their families.

It has been really inspiring to see how many people have responded to the children.  One of the questions that often comes up after people watch the film is "How can I get involved? How can I help?"

When we finished filming we knew we wanted to stay in touch with the children we feature in the film, to help them continue to thrive in their lives, and we were delighted to learn that watching the film helped to relieve the pain for the younger children educated away from home, thinking their parents don't love them. 

We've now set up a social enterprise, Snowland Journeys, which helps the children and their villages, and funds more children to go home and see their families.  It costs $1,600 per child for this journey (this covers travel costs, guide, porters, food, suitable clothing, shoes, bedding and tents for the cold walk home across mountains).  You can trek the journey with them or donate to help.  Every little helps.  

FOLLOW us on our social media channels to create a force for good around this project.  The more people that like it, the bigger noise we can make to improve the lives of Himalayan children.

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 #childrenofthesnowland and #snowlandfilm


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